


The office of 健康教育 provides students with health and wellness 教育 and resources to help them achieve their academic and personal goals. Contact us at (508) 626-4693 during our normal business hours Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm

  • 印章和协调人

    健康教育 team at 新支票日 event, an annual suicide prevention and mental health promotion fair.

  • 带狗的学生

    健康教育 hosts Pause 4 Paws events during stressful times of the year so students can relax with therapy dogs.

  • 学生筹款活动

    健康教育 is home of the SEALS Peer 健康 Educators who provide health and wellness information and resources for their peers in residence halls, 教室, 还有麦卡锡中心.

  • “我们请客”活动的志愿者.

    SEALS Peer 健康 Educators stand for Support, 教育, Action, 领导 and Strength. They are paid student leaders who help promote a culture of well-being on campus.

The 健康教育办公室 promotes a campus culture in which every student is given the support, 教育, opportunity and encouragement necessary to prioritize their health and wellness and reach their academic and personal goals. 

健康办公室也有 the SEALS (Support, 教育, Action, 领导, Strength) student leaders trained to provide the FSU community with interactive, 教育al programs on health and wellness issues.

跟着我们走 Ramlink 海豹突击队 Instagram.


  • 睡眠和压力管理
  • 酒精、大麻 & 其他药物
  • 吸烟和戒烟
  • 性健康
  • 同意和预防性暴力
  • 健康的关系
  • 和更多的!

如果你想在一个活动上合作, 或者要求参加健康研讨会, 请与Pam Lehmberg联系

机密的酒精 & drug assessments are available to all FSU students. 

  • 心理健康检查

    点击这里 take an an 在线匿名自我评估 :

    • 抑郁症
    • 焦虑
    • 创伤后应激障碍
    • 饮食失调
    • 双相情感障碍
    • 对你的饮酒感到好奇? Take an anonymous self-assessment of your alcohol use. 点击这里

    找到 out in a few minutes whether counseling might be helpful for you.

    这项服务对所有FSU学生开放. If after taking the screen you wish to speak with a counselor, call the 咨询中心 at 508-626-4640 to make an appointment.

  • 健康教育

    Foster Hall is home to the 咨询中心, 健康中心 and the 健康教育办公室. It is centrally located between O'Connor Hall and the 麦卡锡中心, on the corner of Maynard Road and State Street.


    • 健康无所不包的 (Cornell University Gannett 健康) provides links to a large variety of health issues and concerns
    • 去问爱丽丝 (Columbia University) answers questions about alcohol and other drugs; emotional health; fitness and nutrition; general health; relationships; and sexual and reproductive health


    开始 你的恢复: Information and resources for substance use issues 

    SAMSHA: 药物滥用和精神健康资源 

    反式的生命线: 877.565.8860

    特雷弗项目(LGBTQ热线): 866.488.7386

    全国预防自杀生命线: 988